Medan (Feb 2006)

At the end of Feb 2006, we went to Medan. This picture is another pastors and leaders seminar. Farudin was teaching about "Go into all the world and preach the gospel". Many people were coming to listen to this two sections of the teaching.

Medan (Feb 2006)

I still remember this day very well. This picture was taken on Sunday evening. This is a special meeting where people from many different denomination got together and have a fellowship. This was the fifth time on the same day that Farudin had to preach/translating. In the morning, Farudin was preaching at youth service at 9 AM in Medan, and then right after that meeting, Farudin was translating for his friend, Jonah on afternoon service at 11 AM, and right after that, Farudin went to another church to translate for Scott at 1 PM service. After that we had lunch and went to this 4 PM service. Farudin was preachig about "Don't worry", many people got saved that night.

Batu 20 Village (Mar 2006)

The teams went to Batu 20 village to have a village outreach. Many people came that night, the weather was really good. Farudin was preaching about salvation, why Jesus came on earth. Many people were saved and this picture shows Farudin was leading the salvation prayer after preaching. We have 2 outreach in that village, there was a man who was not able to bend his hand and after we prayed for them, he just got healed and he could bend his hand right away. The next day, we had a teaching for new believers, we taught about "A new creation in Christ"

Pematang Siantar (Mar 2006)

On Sunday, Farudin was invited to preach at Pematang Siantar. He was preaching for Sunday School in the morning and right after that he preached in afternoon service. Many kids were coming and Farudin was preaching about David and Goliath. Before the afternoon meeting started, two of the sunday school kids came to their mom and telling the story about David and Goliath, their mom told me about how cute and happy her children told the story to their mom. In the afternoon service, Farudin was preaching about "Who's Your Daddy?" It is a teaching about how we, as children of God, has a close relationship to Him that we can all him abba, daddy, dad, pa, and etc. There were couple people who were listening from outside the door and they raised their hands when Farudin asked for salvation call.

Huta Korem Village (Mar 2006)

This is the picture of Huta Korem village after the service. We were having the service for two nights on the field. Many people came to the meeting and receiving Jesus for the first time. There was a lady that night, she could not bend his back and as soon as we prayed for healing, she received the healing and she demonstrated and giving her tetimony how Jesus healed her. Too bad we were too excited and forgot to take the pictures ><

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