About me

How I knew the Lord
Farudin Burhan was born in Palembang, Indonesia in 1982. In May 1998, there was a riot in Palembang that killed hundreds of people, and he was thankful to God that he was not killed. But when he was thanking God, he did not know who was God at that time. He was looking for the answer, he went to couple religions but not found one, until he came to Jesus and he heard a voice inside his heart telling him that this is the One that he is looking for. From that time, he serves the Lord faithfully, thirst after the Lord, and doing ministry starting from organizing chair, music ministry, pastor, missionary, and the Lord keeps leading him in many direction of ministries

Pursue the Calling
When he was a student in a bible school in Canada, he received a calling from God to go to Indonesia to preach the gospel. A country where he was born and the largest Muslim country in the world, He saw the needs of the people for the gospel. Every year he heard many things about his own country, tragic things, bad things, and worse things. As a person who knows the answer for all of those mess, he could not just ignore it, "this country needs Jesus" he said. And in 2006, he went back to Indonesia as a CJI (Celebrate Jesus International) team to preach the gospel to the people and hundreds were saved. He went to any places where people did not want to go and preached the gospel there.

He went back to Canada to finish his study in Bible School. And once again the Lord put passion in Him to preach the gospel in Indonesia once he finished his study. Almost everyday he heard the news about Indonesia being a hopeless country, many conflicts among religions, persecution, corrupted government, criminals, accidents, and natural disaster. Many people were telling him that they wanted to get out from Indonesia as soon as possible, even some Indonesian who live in other country do not want to come back to Indonesia because there is no hope. He was challenged once again, "Is there really no hope? What about Jesus? Do you believe that Jesus is the hope?" He sees the need of the people and he wants to go to preach the gospel to them, he wants to see the nation changes because of Jesus, and He wants to see Jesus lift up high.